Things You Should Know When Buying a Gaming Desktop PC in the UAE

A 2012 study revealed that the Arab market for online gaming has been growing exponentially with almost half of the world’s internet users coming from Arab countries. Since then, eSports is now a lucrative industry in the Middle East. UAE expats are now turning their online gaming passion into a full-time career.

It is no wonder why the gaming Desktop Computer Price in UAE is competitive. The rise in the number of gamers also boosted the demand for high-end gaming devices. Not only is the UAE a place to get the best-priced gaming devices, but the country also earned a good reputation in eSport tournaments. The prize pools in these tournaments can go as high as millions and millions of dirhams.

If you are planning to launch an eSports career or if you want to buy a new gaming desktop computer, do you know what specifications you should look for? If not, here is the essential information that you need to know:

No ‘one size fits all’

Recent models of gaming PCs in the UAE are available in different sizes and shapes. There are monoliths like Origin Millennium, mid-size powerhouses like Acer’s Predator G1, and smaller systems like Falcon Tiki.

While smaller systems are naturally small, they are surprisingly fitting and unobtrusive compared to larger systems. Gamers who do not want to use large desks or who prefer to play using a home theater can work with these systems. The downside, however, is the system’s size, which can limit the possibility of future upgrades.

As for mid-size towers, they are considered as a good compromise. Their sizes allow them to fit under a standard size desk. Yet, they are also large enough to accommodate later upgrades. On top of that, they are equipped with acceptable cooling mechanisms. Their only flaw is the aesthetics. Most mid-sized towers do not look like the usual ho-hum desktop computers.

Lastly, monoliths are massive that they cannot fit in a desk. If they do, you can see their rear or front portions hanging. Some monoliths are also excessively tall that they do not fit under a standard-sized desk. The grand takeaway, however, is that monoliths are easy to upgrade. Plus, they can handle computer hardware that would not fit smaller computers. If you want to look at more options, you can browse the internet for ‘desktop computer price in the UAE.’

The Processor Matters

Whether the desktop you are buying in the UAE is pre-made or boutique-customized, you have to check the processor. It will determine your system’s performance in all software. Go for six, four, or two-core processors. If you have enough budget, six-core is the best option. If your budget is low, you can use the two-core processor. The downside, however, is that some modern games need more cores. Dual-core CPUs can also cripple these recent games.

If you want to invest a large amount of money, you can also go for the higher core processors. Intel’s eight-core is famous among gamers despite its premium price. But these cores are not suitable for gaming. This series reaches as high as 18 cores, also costing as high as about 1900 USD.

Final Takeaway

It does not matter if you want to start a gaming career in the UAE or if you want to enjoy yourself by playing online games. Finding the right gaming desktop will spell a significant difference in the way you enjoy your favorite online game. And regardless of your budget, you can always find a suitable gaming desktop for yourself. All you have to do is to look in the right places.



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